I didn;t read other people messages.
What i live for, I live because i don't want to be homeless on the streets,i don't want to be the sad guy, i want to always remain positive even on the fucked up days. When it seems like nothing going my way, i'm start smiling because i know in the end , When i'm Frustrated and upset, i know ain't dead, aint dying, just living a daily life. Theres only four things in america I need, family,friends,chicks,work. Without work we would be homeless. without chicks we would be horny bible thumpers(or like our counterpart muslims in the middle-east) . Family to bring you back down to earth and friends to bring you back up. Fuck the rest, the bills, the pain , hurt of getting dumped Because i'm not saying i'm going live forever, i'm just here for a ride & joy. I live because i'm to weak to kill myself and why not live , let's see what happens tomorrow. Stay tuned,
My Job is very stressful , but i don't bring that shit home and i live it up when i'm off.