I dont know that you can say being gay/lesbian is a choice or not in a blanket statement. I know for me there was a choice to make. It was very specific for me, but I've always been a little unusual in all aspects of sexuality.
I don't think men are sexy. I think women's bodies are just prettier. For that reason I thought for a while that I might be a lesbian. But the fact is that after participating in sexual acts with men and with women, I have more pleasure with men. I just felt like, with women, there was something missing. No pun intended. So I guess I'm heterosexual, but still think that women are prettier to look at.
I think that sexuality is probably more like freckles. Yeah there has to be a predisposition there in the first place, but if you always stay out of the sun, take good care of your skin, and use massive amounts of sunscreen then you're freckles won't be as noticable. So yeah there is probably, not definiatvely, but probably something biological in there, but that would just be tendency until the other factors are introduced to build on that potential.