This is definitely an issue that hits a lot of people's buttons. I can understand the argument that smoker's smoke causes lung cancer. But honestly, you would have to be around it a lot to be put in that situation. I don't see that as a viable argument unless you live with someone that smokes or are a waitress in a bar where you can still smoke. However, if you are a waitress just quit. If it is a loved one that is smoking around you preach to them. You may have an impact...possibly not. I haven't with anyone I spoke to.
I am a former smoker. I hate the smell of smoke...I did when I smoked to. I've been the obnoxious smoker of blowing smoke in people's faces. I've been the courteous smoker. What I have found though is that what I thought was courteous, really wasn't. That smoke lingers and spreads and gets into everything. Even when JJ is outside on the balcony I can still smell it in here. So, I can understand that people have an issue with that. But cars, busses, and planes also stink and put off pollution.
I don't know...this is a topic that is going to be argued around and around and never be solved. Smokers are one of the most shunned groups around. They get the accused of a lot and really don't deserve the "Better than you" attitude. It is an addiction, it does kill, it has harmful second-hand smoke. We know this...all you can do is surround yourself with non-smoker friends and avoid it as much as possible.
People have mentioned that smokers whine and complain. But, from my experiences, the non-smokers are the loudest and rudest. It can be found in this thread and as another example. When I did wait tables, I loved the smoking section. The smokers were more relaxed, complained less, and tipped more. They weren't fidgeting and bitching to me about where there food was and could they please move because *insert whine here*. Just saying...
I'm not one way or the other...I've been on both sides, but really people need to give it a rest and get over it because it's an issue that I don't think will ever be solved. If people want to smoke more power to them. I really haven't found it a problem avoiding smokers since I quit. In fact, the smell is the only thing that I have to endure and that won't kill you. People need to understand that the lingering aroma of cigarettes is not's the actual smoke that you can see floating through the air. Now, the aroma is annoying, but so is BO and bus fumes...rub some scented lotion on your upper lip and you'll be ok.
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company