I enjoy the whining about the high price of tobacco due to all the high taxes. Tough luck. Quit. You want a product, that's what the product costs. Your voice is not lost, smokers just can't seem to gather a big enough breath of air to make a voice for themselves to change anything. You vote, that's how change happens.
Maybe it's because you're not in the majority as smokers, and "breathing clean air and not getting cancer when you don't even smoke" seems to be a hot-button issue these days. Go figure.
And yes, cig smoke not only "hangs around", but it permeates and coats its surroundings like any smoke does, leaving the area to smell of cigarette even once you're gone, unless you're outside and it has someplace to go. Once inside your nose (and to a lesser degree, your mouth), it also alters the way you perceive taste, leaving you to consume food with the taste of smoke. You may want to suck on cigs all day and enjoy that taste, but I sure as hell don't.
Do you think anyone would appreciate if I found a group of smokers in a room and lit up a bong, blowing marijuana smoke all around, making everyone high against their will? Some won't care, some will thank you for it, but the point is that just because you want to do something, and you feel justified in doing it, does not make it right to force on others- and yes, when you smoke around others in public, you are forcing them to breathe your cig smoke.
And who the hell can say that public health is not more important? Public health is more important than ANY individual's right to do what they want with their body. You can't infect yourself with a terrible communicable disease because you want to and "it's your body", and then walk around the mall breathing near people.
Public health is more important, and it's ridiculous to assert otherwise.
Originally Posted by pan6467
Be happy someone is standing up now...... because someday, something you do and love to do will be coinsidered harmful to others and the government and society will call you names, tax your item and then make sure what you do is never done in public....
Are you standing up now because you know that given only a few more years, you'll have to remain seated for fear of getting winded with the effort to stand?
And, they already do. It's called marijuana. You don't hear pro-marijuana people bitching and moaning like children, many of them actually campaign and TRY to make change. All cig smokers do is bitch about the high taxes and where they can't smoke. So yeah, some people already know what it's like, and don't cry about it. Hopefully smokers will stop crying about it, too, some day.