Originally Posted by pigglet
edit: the other thing i was going to say is that pan is making a great case for what happens when you threaten to take away a smoker's smokes
Damn right. I may be vocal and show my disgust towards other issues but I'll give up the right to smoke when you pull my smoking pack out of my dead, cancer, emphysema riddled body.
Be happy someone is standing up now...... because someday, something you do and love to do will be coinsidered harmful to others and the government and society will call you names, tax your item and then make sure what you do is never done in public.... even though you pay exoritant taxes on it and the people complaining about it live off your taxes.... you are supposed to smile, nod and comply with the government.
My God if we went after poverty. education, healthcare reform and bettering society as a whole the way this government and society is going after us smokers, this country would be in great shape. Instead we focus on bullshit, demand more government dictates and believe we are doing it for the betterment of society.... when in actuality.... it is as self serving and as egotistical and self righteous as it is just wrong to ask government to start passing laws on a taxed base minority.