Originally Posted by pan6467
Fisrt Issue 5 in Ohio tomorrow DICTATES: NO SMOKING IN ANY PUBLIC PLACES. Owners no longer have a choice.
But you do have representation, for whatever little that's worth.
I can get pulled over in my convertible WITH THE TOP DOWN, and charged with child endangerment if a cop sees me driving with a cigarette and my kid is in the car with me.
That sucks, but them's the breaks.
2 totally different subjects and I care not to change the subject right now.
So you only have conditional support in the ability of the market to allow the right thing to happen? That's all i'm getting at. You're a conditional liberatarian and that's fine. I guess i just don't think the market is necessarily that capable of making the right decision on its own.
and again, you ignore this:
I'm serious you stop using the taxes, fight to repeal them and refund the smokers taxes that built public arenas that are non-smoking...... and I won't fight. But as long as I pay heavy taxes on my smoking and it is a legal substance, I will fight for my right to enjoy it and for there to be smoking areas in restaurants where the owner wants them.
We all use the taxes, though i assume that you're talking specifically about nonsmokers. And we all pay taxes on things that we'd rather not pay taxes on. Those taxes are then used for things that many of us would prefer they not be used for. Some of the taxes collected from tobacco are used to pay the healthcare costs of those who use tobacco.
You do know that smoking isn't a right, right? That your rights aren't being violated? Smoking is a regulated activity. The rights of business owners aren't being violated either.