Originally Posted by President Bush - August 21, 2006 White House Press Conference
You know, I've heard this theory about everything was just fine until we arrived, and kind of "we're going to stir up the hornet's nest" theory. It just doesn't hold water, as far as I'm concerned. The terrorists attacked us and killed 3,000 of our citizens before we started the freedom agenda in the Middle East.
Anyone still staking their support for this war on the "search" for evidence of maybe, possibly, sorta, could have been WMDs has simply got their head up their ass.
I know it hurts real deep, but he was lying to you, too. Welcome to the politics of
neo-conservatism. They knew you wouldn't accept a war for something as vaguely humanitarian sounding as a "freedom agenda" so they made one up. Funny thing is, I like this war a little better...but frankly, the only thing not conspicuously specious about this "freedom agenda" is the "agenda" part. And looking at how they've fucked this war up from day one, I'm a little doubtful about that part, too.
Sorry to break the news to you all harsh-like, but Rove really should've sent ya'll a memo. Here, have a tissue.