Yeah I go to bars all the time. The point is that if you go to a bar, expect smoke. Deal with it. If you don't like that a bar has smokers.. then drink at home or go to a bar that doesn't or start your own bar.
You can say that cars put out cleaner air than what came in. Big deal. There's still harmful products in it. But since you were talking about just inside we'll go with that. I was going with the blanket approach.
You walk into a restaraunt that you know has a smoking section.. why? If you hate it so damn much why would you bother to go? Oh it's your right to go and you shouldn't be limited by what people do right? I shouldn't be limited to what I do either just because you don't like the "risk" or smell. You take risks in everything you do. That's life. My only gripe with nonsmokers is when they do enter into an establishment that they know has smoking and they complain. This is where I agree with Pan that the business owners should be able to decide since they write the checks.