Originally Posted by aceventura3
The Fed has been focused on slowing the economy to prevent it from "over-heating", and cooling off the housing market becuase too much wealth was being created. They have caused the housing market to decline and they have slowed the economy. The Fed thought things were too good.
If you read the thread, you'll see it's not net wealth that most people are pointing to so much as distribution.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
You say you want change. What do you want: High inflation, high unemployment, low productivity, no growth in housing prices, stock market crash, no job creation, and higher taxes. Perhaps it would be easier for you to move to France.
Those are the exact things that are in our future that I'm interested in preventing. Do you honestly think the US can keep mortgaging itself into the appearance of a growing economy indefinitely? Do you think the growth in personal debt is sustainable?