Originally Posted by guccilvr
I just love how everyone talks about how breathing my cig smoke is harming them so much when the air they breathe without my cig smoke is just as bad.
The ones that I love are the nonsmokers that say this and then jump into their Hummers to drive 5 blocks to the grocery store for a loaf of bread. Not that anyone here would do that, but my Spanish teacher from about 3 years ago DID. Since I wanted the good grade i did not bother telling her how hypocritical she was in her statement, but I
really wanted to.
I know in Tempe Arizona after they had passed the law that banned public smoking, this was about 10 years ago, the first concert after the law was in place the police searched peoples bags and bodies for cigarettes before the concert. As I understood the law possession of cigarettes was never illegal. Only smoking them in the concert was illegal. It was a big deal because what they were specifically looking for was not illegal, making the search illegal. dunno why I'm mentioning that, but it seems to fit the question of how fair the actual treatment of smokers is.
I agree smoking in areas where nonsmokers who were smart enough to either never start of committed enough to quit and stay that way will be present is rude, dangerous, and should be highly discouraged. But this kind of treatment (searching for possession of a legal substance) is extreme and should not be tolerated.