Originally Posted by pigglet
Out of curiousity, are you a general Libertarian / end regulation guy across the board, or is it only in speciic areas?
Most issues, I think... notable exception being stuff like abortion, embryonic stem cell research, certain birth control methods... undecided on euthanasia.
Originally Posted by analog
Your "right" to pollute your own lungs and do what you want to your body (the "it's my body, i'll do what I want" argument) ends where it infringes on my right to NOT have my lungs polluted by others, plain and simple. Your right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" finds its end where your enjoyment prevents mine; if you want to smell and get cancer, go right ahead... but you have no right to subject me to the same.
Agreed. But I don't see anyone subjecting anyone who didn't implicitly
agree to the possibility of being subjected.
And the "restaurants should cater to the smoker if they want, you can eat someplace else that caters to the non-smoker" argument is weak nonsense and you all know it. A business owners' right to run their business how they want ends at the line of preserving public health.
I suppose you'd have preferred that all business owners took it upon themselves to replace their asbestos insulation at their own pace, rather than being mandated by the government to do it right away? Because after all, it's their business, they should decide to run it how they want, right? Nonsense. Public health is more important.
What should be mandated is full disclosure of all health risks associated with any particular building. But as long as the building poses no health risks to those outside of it, NO, public health is NOT more important. Or rather, public health and respecting the right to property are not mutually exclusive - the public can go elsewhere. The public doesn't have a right to entrance. If the owner offers entrance, the public doesn't have a right to demand that the invitation conform to their expectations - they can either take it or leave it.
Weak nonsense is pretending that bar patrons are being forced against their will to inhale cigarette smoke - they aren't and never were.