Originally Posted by http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/retarded
Main Entry: <b><sup>1</sup>re·tard</b><br>
Pronunciation: <tt>ri-'tärd</tt><br>
Function: <i>verb</i><br>
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French <i>retarder,</i> from Latin <i>retardare,</i> from <i>re-</i> + <i>tardus</i> slow<br>
<i>transitive verb</i><br><b>1</b> <b>:</b> to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment <b>: <a href="/dictionary/impede"><font size="-1">IMPEDE</font></a></b><br><b>2</b> <b>:</b> to delay academic progress by failure to promote<br><i>intransitive verb</i> <b>:</b> to undergo <a href="/dictionary/retardation">retardation</a><br><b>synonym</b> see <a href="/dictionary/delay"><font size="-1">DELAY</font></a> <br>- <b>re·tard·er</b> <i>noun</i>
Try quoting your source. A standard English dictionary will prefer the first option here. The word retarded, as to mean someone of low intelligence is considered colloquial and was only found to be in use in that manner in the early 20th century. The word retarded has uses in multiple scientific, medical and psychological situations, and being "genetically retarded" reads much more logically using the first meaning than saying your genes are stupid. *boggle* Fine, be offended, but as I've pointed out to you in previous threads, you always seem to be offended by the words people choose to use in relation to homosexuality. Again, homosexuality IS a retardation of human nature, using the first meaning, in so much as a human should still have the instictual drive to procreate and further the race, which homosexuality prevents. I agree with that statement. I do not believe that homosexualaity is wrong, or that people who engage in same-sex activities have mental deficiencies. *sigh*