Originally Posted by xepherys
While I don't agree with him, I'm shocked that so many people on the TFP lately (including well educated ones such as yourself) seem to not be able to determine the meaning of relatively simple words and concepts. Retarded, though commonly meant to imply mental defect, is a word with a very real meaning.
Sure. The "very real" meaning of the adjective form "retarded" is "characterized by mental retardation".
re‧tard‧ed /rɪˈtɑrdɪd/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ri-tahr-did] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. characterized by retardation: a retarded child.
2. (used with a plural verb) mentally retarded persons collectively (usually prec. by the): new schools for the retarded.
[Origin: 1800–10; retard + -ed2]
—Synonyms backward, disabled, handicapped.
It's also used as a slang pejorative for "stupid," "perverted," or "something of which I disapprove for any reason".
There are different causes for mental retardation, among them genetic, chiefly among mothers over the age of 40. Given the hostile tone and message of that post, I rather doubt that "geneticly retarded" was meant as anything other than an insult, a way of saying that homosexuals are mentally defective due to genetic factors, along with a strong implication that the slang pejorative form was also intended.
When there are neutral and insulting ways to say the same thing, and the method chosen is the most insulting one, I tend not to give the speaker/writer much benefit of the doubt.