Retarded. Well done. I've been called defective, abnormal, deviant, compared to pedophiles and bestiality, but this is the first time I've been called retarded.
I'll bet I'm the first retarded person in history to get a Ph.D. from UCLA. I'm going to contact them and see if I can get a plaque commemorating my achievement.
While I don't agree with him, I'm shocked that so many people on the TFP lately (including well educated ones such as yourself) seem to not be able to determine the meaning of relatively simple words and concepts. Retarded, though commonly meant to imply mental defect, is a word with a very real meaning.
1 : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment : IMPEDE
It appears to me that the point was that homosexuality implies genetic retardation, where one does not feel the drive to procreate, but rather love and engage in sexual situations purely for self enjoyment rather than propogation of the species.
I bet there are plenty of people with Ph.D.s from UCLA, UC Berkeley and about every other major college and university out there that have some retardation of their basic makeup, be it mentally or physically.
Now, to agree with Gilda (something I don't do terribly often), Within limits, all of those options are acceptable. You certianly aren't forced to watch your parents have sex (hopefully) and you aren't forced to watch me and my wife kiss any more or less than watching to men or two women kiss, or watching someone kiss a dog (which I'm really unsure why that would make you feel so uncomfortable).
When it comes to religion the people of sodom were banging on the door with a perverted heart and wanted to 'know' the two angels in the ass.
Did you write your own biblical translation or something? I'm pretty sure the King James Bible also doesn't quite put it in that light.