Originally Posted by ngdawg
I'll check it out, but that IS what smoking is...thumbsucking. It's not a justification or excusing it, since there really IS no justification for smoking at all. But that's what it is....gotta stick that 'thumb' in there.
The 'thumb sucking' is an excuse. I never sucked my thumb before I smoked and I don't suck it now.
Originally Posted by ngdawg
We light up when stressed, we light up while sitting at a computer, we light up after a meal. Then we get stressed because we don't want to smoke....so we light up again. Mention chocolate to a dieter and you'll see what I mean.
Stress causes our bodies to create acid. Nicotine is an alkaline. The more you get stressed the more your nicotine levels drop, thereby creating the need for a 'calming' cigarette. The calm you experience is the dopomine rush your brain gets from nicotine and the return of a 'normal' nicotine level in your blood stream. 'At the computer' is simply because your blood nicotine levels have dropped. Nothing more. After a meal; same thing.
Smokers crave sweets because each cigarette releases sugar and fats into the blood stream (which also causes appetite supression), and that's where weight gain comes from when you quit. You're no longer getting that little shot of sugar every 20 minutes so you eat a Hershey's bar instead. Most likely this is where the craving for chocolate by a dieter comes from; the lowered amount of sugar in the blood due to dieting. I'm no expert, that's just a theory. Feel free to refute it.
Everything I've posted (with the exception of the chocolate thing) can be found on the site I linked above. Smokers have come up with every excuse under the sun to explain their addiction and that site covers them all.
Originally Posted by ngdawg
Quitting from a half pack a day is commendable, but try quitting from a 2pack a day habit or more...
I smoked 2 packs a day.
I don't want to come off like I'm busting your balls though. I don't support banning smoking in bars or resturants. My money is easily spent elsewhere if I should choose to not be around smokers. Hell, I figure with the $200 a month I'm saving on cigarettes I can get an even bigger SUV (than the one I already have) this spring.