I think we hit on a powerful point with your McDaniel link Host, on Page 4 he states:
... States with higher estimate state IQ have a smaller proportion of Black, Hispanic, and Asian residents, larger expenditure per student and smaller class sizes.
Sorry, but there are very few blacks or hispanics in the majority of states touted to prove the superior intelligence of blue states. While California has it's share, there are very few blacks or hispanics in Connetticut.
States like Florida, Arizona, New Mexico, California, and my homestate of Texas are forced to face problems which Northern states would never imagine. I doubt there are people in New Hampshire who do not speak a word of English, and are effectively illitterate, and are forced onto a High School and then handed standardized tests. I doubt Mass. has to spend upwards of an 8th of their budget on English as a Second Language.
So can we end this and say that both sides that toute this line are baseless?