Smoking is disgusting to most people because it isn't a habit you keep to yourself. Smoking affects the environment around you, and all of the people in that environment.
And yes, people do get in car accidents while smoking and driving. People also burn their houses down after falling asleep with cigarettes.
Furthermore, the public health cost of smoking is enormous. We are spending millions of dollars every year through Medicare and Medicaid in the United States for smoking-related illnesses, and the money from the settlement with Big Tobacco will never cover all of the costs incurred by former smokers, especially when we take into the account the amount of uninsured people who need treatment for smoking-related illness. Additionally, thousands of young children in the United States suffer from environmental asthma because they live with smokers.
Smoking is gross, and I sure as heck don't want anyone doing it around me.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau