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Old 11-04-2006, 07:21 PM   #52 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Seaver
I know I'm just an undergrad... but does no one know how to site sources? Under his works cited section at the end they simply lead to the home sites of various bureaus. They do not lead you to WHERE the information is found so that it is defendable.

Host you can post as many of these as you want, but until I see the data It's bunk as far as I'm concerned.
Not to worry...the link you objected to was just for the convenience of anyone
who wanted to view the entire "work" without loading a .pdf file....

Here's the link if you want to pay to view the study:
Estimating state IQ: Measurement challenges and preliminary correlates

Michael A. McDaniel [a], E-mail The Corresponding Author

Virginia Commonwealth University, United States

Received 12 March 2006; revised 5 August 2006; accepted 21 August 2006. Available online 10 October 2006
....and here it a .pdf file, if you want to view it without charge, on author Michael A. McDaniel's own, Virginia Commonwealth University page:

Here is the link to a list of linked sources of Michael A. McDaniel's published papers:

Seaver, there is not, as you are aware, much research on this topic. I appreciate that you are interested enough to ask about the link. Since available research is so limited, I don't yet have an opinion on whether McDaniel is the "best and the brightest" in his field. I'm still attempting to reverse an impression that the subject of comparative US states IQ has been "debunked".

To answer you, Charalatan....I explained what motivates me to post about this subject. I just don't understand how Bush could persuade so many people to vote for he kept up any pretense of who he pretended to be....
a southern, "man of the people", after he took office, and even whether he is competent, or deliberately portrayed as far into his presidency. Also....what is up with droves of comparatively poor, white, lower income, less educated, primarily southerners, with high bankruptcy and home foreclosure rates, lacking health benefits more often on average, than higher income for republican congressional representatives, and for Bush. Is it simply because of religious and racial worldview, with a healthy dose of anti democractic party propaganda....or is it because of ???????

More to pounder.....
THE MISSING LINK: Exploring the
Relationship Between Higher Education
and Political Engagement
D. Sunshine Hillygus

(from page 30: )
In other words, intelligence, rather than education, is the more important
determinant of political sophistication. And political sophistication in turn
engenders political participation. Hess and Torney (1967) similarly find in a
study of elementary age children that more intelligent children of all socio-
economic classes were more likely to discuss, read about, and participate in
political activities than were less intelligent children. Neuman (1986, p. 261)
concludes that ‘‘the evidence supports the idea of an independent cognitive
effect’’ as part of the proved link between socioeconomic status and political
The determination of average adult IQ in a given country seems a much more daunting task than determining a reliable IQ average of folks of voting age in a given US state.....yet it is being seriously attempted by academic researchers:


Exponential correlation of IQ and the wealth of nations
Richard E. Dickerson
Molecular Biology Institute, Boyer Hall, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1570, USA
Received 24 January 2005; received in revised form 11 July 2005; accepted 18 September 2005
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