Originally Posted by dksuddeth
all of which will be 1,000 times more expensive than just taking the guy that used the gun in a criminal act and throwing him in prison the rest of his life.
A lot of law enforcement is really expensive. Maybe we should just stop having police! Also, do you have any idea how much the US pays for privately owned and run prisons?
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
tell me, what happens when a dealer sells to a felon? they lose their license.
The dealer should be charged with involintary manslaughter if anyone was killed with their gun.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
so what do you do when a private individual sells to a felon? you want to indict him. why? because you don't want to hold the felon responsible for breaking the law. start holding the criminals responsible and watch crime drop like the hindenburg.
HAHAHA!!! So where did I say that felons wouldn't be heald responsible? Maybe in your mind, to make your argument a little easier? Yeah, that's called a strawman. Incid the felon on charges, and indict the "private individual" for involuntary manslaughter. Make it clear that if you are found supplying guns to bad people, you will not get away with it.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
everything that you propose is a long vision attempt to keep people from having guns. You don't like guns. I understand that. Lots of people don't like guns. But what do YOU do when the government is the only one with the guns? Where is your freedom then?
Longvision is only as long as it takes to get into effect. If my idea started tomorrow, we could very easily see gun crime drop within a few months. The thing is, arming everyone is a great way to give everyone too much power. I can name on one hand the amount of people I know that I'd trust with a gun, and that's just not good enough.
As for the potential insurgency against our government thing: guns aren't really the weapon of an insurgency against a government and powerful military. Bombs are. The only way for them to stop me from making bombs is to find me and stop me, as the stuff that can be made into bombs can be found anywhere.