Originally Posted by flstf
Ace, I agree with much of what you say in post #131. I can relate to several of your experiences. I am however concerned that in the not too distant future there will just not be enough jobs to go around and the wealth will become more and more concentrated in this country. I wonder what society's answer will be to this problem. Perhaps another WPA progam?
In another thread Walmart (Sams) was compared to Cosco where they have the same overall business income but Cosco does it with 30,000 less (higher paid) workers. Productivity increases will require less workers. Eventually just moving to a new area may not help but I guess we can take a world view and look to other countries for work as many who immigrate here do.
The industrial age is past its peak, just like the agricultural age has past its peak in terms of employment in this country. We are now an the information age. Instead of moving, perhaps people will make money in cyberspace, using something like EBAY, Blogs, Youtube, I don't know what because I am not up to date on all the newest opportunities. Or instead of producing comodities the new economy will focus more on providing services. I remember 25 years ago, there was no such thing as a personal trainer at the gym. Now you can't go without tripping all over them. At my gym they charge $50/hour (I know they have to split it with the gym) and most are booked solid.
People will adapt as they always have. I am not worried.