Tim Hortons Trick
Reading the thread regarding bad Tim Hortons coffee I thought I would share a trick with some of you guys.
As most of you guys know Timmys throws out all of their baked good usually between the hours of 12am and 2am depending on the location.
If you time it right you can get there just as they are throwing out thier foods. Now you might think, "Who cares?" well because most of it is only an hour or max 4 hours old and they are throwing it away.
If you order food as they are throwing it away 90% of the places will give you whatever you want pretty much for nothing.
For example last night I got 48 muffins, a dozen donuts, 61 cookies, 8 croussants and about 100 timbits for $10. Now I told them that I didnt want the Timbits or the croussants because I didnt want to eat them so they tossed those.
Now tell me how its possible to get about $250 worth of food from Timmys for $10 any other way? Let just say my friends who were with me that night at Timmys and my roommates were very happy I made the purchase. Its been a day and we still have so many of them left and will most likely end up throwing them out, but free food is free food.