I'm going through a similar situation and I am beyond freaked about it all.
Doc called me up a couple weeks after my pap and said there were some abnormal cells growing and that I needed to get a biopsy or a colposcope I guess is the proper term?
Terrified I might have HPV. He said I tested negative for everything, but maybe once they get another look what if they find that I have it?!?!
God, my procedure is scheduled for December 8, a whole month to think about it, sounds like fun. I try to not concentrate on it otherwise I get really upset and start crying, happened twice already.
All the info about HPV is a little comforting if I do infact have it.
I just don't know what I'd do, I'd feel shameful to tell my partner, what would he do? Would be mad? Would he not want to see me anymore? Would there be a grudge? Its just all this stuff, and I'm completely panicked about what could happen.
Doctors appointment is next week where we'll discuss the colposcope before hand so i know all the info before going in.
Any words of advice? I'm so scared, I feel so left in the dark right now. I'll keep posting on my progress about it.
Is HPV a really big deal if I do have it? Besides warts and cancer, I keep up with myself downstairs and i have yet to see any warts, so I'm not concerned about that, but its the whole uncertaintly thing thats looming over my head right now.