Originally Posted by sillygirl
Things are going well. The lady I was nannying for couldn't pay me (still owes me money) so I quit and started a job as a loan officer in a mortgage broker's office. I'm excited about it because I've had a blast already so far, but I'm still kinda sad cuz now I can't stay at home with the little one. I'll put up the link once I update his photobucket.  He's so big now! I think he weighs 15 or 16 pounds, he's learning to sit up on his own and starting to scoot himself around. And the best part? I get 9 hours of sleep most nights!!!
How've you been Jay?
That sucks the lady couldn't pay you, it must have been great to be able to stay home with the little one and still make money. It good you found another job though, and a loan officer sounds interesting, should be fun. Wow he's a big one already, that's good that you get a nights sleep rather than an hour here or there.
Things have been alright with me, finished school a while ago, got a job that has nothing to do with what I went to school for, just debating whether or not I want to move to Manitoba or not for something to do. That's about all for me, jesus I'm getting boring as I get older.