Originally Posted by stevo
Thats all fine and dandy, but this is a minimum wage thread, are you for or against a federally mandated minimum wage? If so, what should the minimum be?
The Libertarian in me thinks that companies should simply pay what's fair, but that won't happen. The former Democrat in me says that federal minimum wage should always be increased with inflation, but it causes inflation, too. The Republican in me says that it should be determined by the state, and we should invade Iran. The Green in me says it should be a cooperation between government, companies, and the individual, which is really vague.
Bottom line? I'm really not 100% sure. I know that what's succesful for me may not be succesful for everyone, and as such I can't just make a broad stroke generalization about income in the market. I think that no matter what, someone will probably be screwed by someone else, but I'm not sure what would allow for the least screwage. My guess would be that minimum wage isn't a really good idea, but (as Pan pointed out) companies aren't responsible enough to pay fair wages left to their own devices. It's like a turnmacate for a lost limb...it's good to keep it together on the way to the hospital, but the doctors must reattach the lim for everything to be okay again. Minimum wage is an okay way to hold us over for a short time until something better and more perminant can be developed.