Originally Posted by NCB
I guess you're going to tell me next that your company is by far more profitable than your leading competitor, right?
Is that so unbelievable? Please don't tell me you're either so jaded or so partison that you're unwilling to accept that a company run with my beliefs can be succesful.
As I said, we're more efficient. For example, let's say that my company, Company A, and my competitor, Company B, are selling the same product. Let's say that Company A a better reputation and has more return customers than Company A becuase we train and treat our sales people better, who in turn are better with customers. Let's say that Company B has seen profits drop each year for the last 3 years. Let's say that, becuase of sales volume, Company A is able to undercut the pricing offered by Company B.
Which company do you think will do better?
If we are able to make over $15m profit a year, then why not let me have about $1.3m for my employees? Why not share in the spoils of our success?
Originally Posted by stevo
So are you advocating a minimum wage of $20/hr? I'm a bit confused because this is a thread debating minimum wage. If you aren't advocating a $20/hr minimum wage, are you advocating a minimum wage at all? It looks from your position that you are in favor of workers getting paid a livable wage, which you state is $20/hr. If the minimum wage was increase to $12/hr and companies paid that, they'd still not be paying a "livable wage." Would the employees then be happy and more likely to do good work when they are getting paid the least amount allowed by law?
No, I'm not saying that 20/hr should be minimum wage. I was responding to questions. As pan states, it's about being a responsible employer. Would we be able to p[ay $20/hr if we weren't as efficient? Probably not, but we make it clear to the employees that if they do well, the company does well, and it comes back to them. Most of the base workers at my company are younger than I am, and $20/hr is a fair wage for them considering a lot of them are part time and going to school (something our company reccomends for all employees).