Originally Posted by willravel
If you aren't payed enough or are dumped on by idiot bosses, you'll onyl work just hard enough not to get fired (I learned that from Office Space, a prolific movie). If you're compensated and treated fairly, you're more likely to spend your time doing your work instead of griping and being pissed.
Agree. BUt nothing in your statement supports the right of the government to tell a boss how much to pay his employees. It should be up to management to pay what they want to pay their employees. If they don't pay them fairly or "what their worth" then the employees will find another job, or not work hard/well and the company (and management) suffers. Why should the government dictate how much a boss must pay his workers?
"If I am such a genius why am I drunk, lost in the desert, with a bullet in my ass?" -Otto Mannkusser