Thread: Minumum wage
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Old 11-03-2006, 06:51 AM   #110 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
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Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Originally Posted by NCB
We're coming at this from 2 different perspectives. You think that corporations exist in order to provide a wage and benes for a worker. I think that they exist in order to turn a profit for its owners and shareholders. That is an enormous gulf between our two ways of thinking. People who work 40 hours and dont have the door hit them in the ass at 5PM sharp dont deserve anything any sympathy from their employers. Those people tend to take more than give to a corporation and deserve nothing but contempt, not empathy, for demanding more $$$, benes, or whatever.
1. I do agree that you will always have a certain percentage of employees that just use the job, however that is no reason to provoke the majority by treating and paying them all shit wages and benefits. And as long as someone puts in their 40 hours of honest work, they deserve an honest wage anything less, is wrong, morally and socially. Weed out those who don't give you an honest days work.

And just because someone uses the job, may not be a bad thing. It maybe a springboard for them and they are using it for experience or to move forward in a field they like better. Employers use and exploit the worker every time they pay the employee barely enough to live on and allow their CEO to make in 1 day more than the average worker does in a year.

All I'm saying is there needs to be a better more sustainable balance.... because the balance that exists right now is so far weighted in one direction that you breed contempt.

2. In order to produce a profit for the owners and shareholders, you must have a product that sells, if you do not pay your staff enough to live and afford your product you will eventually cease to exist, because in the vast majority of things, if your own workers won't buy it, no one will. No one advertises as great as your employees.

3. Contempt bornes contempt, if you have contempt for your employees, they will in turn have contempt for you. Conversely, if you treat your employees with respect, honesty and pay fairly you'll get back hard, honest loyal work.

You give employees enough to live on, show them with hard work and dedication they can move up and treat them with respect and dignity and I guarantee, you will have a very, very profitable business with a good reputation throughout the marketplace.

I've stated my business experience and record of my past enough that if you don't know it by now.... you can do the search. But I will reiterate that when I treated my employees great and paid them very good wages, I got hard work, loyalty and they made sure we got business. When I slacked and I treated them poorly.... well, they didn't care to help. The good ones saw a sinking ship and left and the bad ones stayed to make sure they could get all they could.
And oh, I'd be careful living by the socialistic words of a dead multimillionaire artist. Something about the hypocrisy just reeks up the board
Really? Lennon wasn't that rich when he died. McCartney was the greedy one. Ono was/is just a step behind Paul. John himself, while I am sure enjoyed the money, did a hell of a lot for people. He could have done nothing, instead he chose to use his fame to try and better people's lives. Too bad more people aren't like him. I'd take his "hypocrasy" and a million more like him than 1 greedy assed bastard that has no caring and displays nothing but contempt for the worker.

Will, your idealism is very touching, but I think it has more to do with your youth. Not sure what kind of company has a 23 yo as an "upper, upper management" employee, but one day you will learn that no matter how well you pay and treat an employee, they are still not invested into your company. When you deal with good size number of employees, you will have 1, 2, or 3 that will but into you and the company's vision, but the rest will just shit on you when they get the chance. Stick around the business world a while and you'll see what I mean
This sounds like someone who has been burnt by a few employees and has become bitter. That happens. But not all employees are bad. Most just want to know they are appreciated and that their hard work doesn't go unnoticed.

As for being 23 and in "upper, upper management", I say congratulations Will and let your conscience guide you in dealing with your employees. Because in the end, money comes, money goes but you will forever have to live with yourself and your conscience.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"

Last edited by pan6467; 11-03-2006 at 06:56 AM..
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