Originally Posted by NCB
Youre not taking into account the perspective from the labor supply/demand side of it. Employers shouldnt have to pay for someones lifestyle for just showing up. Its the workers responsibilty to earn his keep, not the employers. Its really that simple
The worker earns his or her keep every day that the company doesn't go bankrupt. The worker holds the upper managment on his or her back. Upper managment doesn't talk to pissed off customers or do heavy lifting. Any success that the company has is a direct result of the grunts. You know what the scary thing is? I'm upper, upper managment. I'm right under the CEO of a very succesful company. The reason I got to and kept my position is that I understand that a company only works as well as it's weakest or least compensated employee. If you aren't payed enough or are dumped on by idiot bosses, you'll onyl work just hard enough not to get fired (I learned that from Office Space, a prolific movie). If you're compensated and treated fairly, you're more likely to spend your time doing your work instead of griping and being pissed.