I don't know. They could be isolated incidents. I know I give off "timid" vibes because I am, but I'm not sure if that would be reason for others to be aggressive with me. Today I was a bit more assertive than usual and it provoked a somewhat hostile response, so I'm not sure if my timidity had anything to do with it.
If you act timid, people are going to assume you're timid. When you stand up for yourself, you're going to be a bitch.
If you act outgoing, people are going to assume you're outgoing. When you don't stand up for yourself, you're going to be a pushover.
You can't win when you're acting against people's predetermined notions about you. It's best to let them realize that their predetermined notion was
incorrect, even if that means they call you names. It was their fault for assuming.
Women first working felt the same thing. She's a bitch, because she's acting against what they assumed she should be doing, which was cooking and cleaning. Rather than be upset that someone incorrectly pre-judged you (or that you've changed) and called you a name, it's better to continue as you were. Soon enough, they'll modify their assumptions until it's okay for you to be a working woman. Or an assertive one, in this case.