there's also the children they abducted from Anna Lucia's group right after they got there. and they abducted Claire when she was pregnant. they've done nothing to make anyone believe that they're benevolent. it's getting pretty absurd, actually. the show kinda wants us to believe that the Others have good intentions underneath everything, but it'll take a ton of 'splainin to cover everything they've done. a little honesty would go a long way... but i guess that's where the drama and mystery comes from, at the cost of making sense.
And hopefully Jack is smart enough to realize the "double think" plan... then there's nothing to prevent him from telling Juliette that he won't do it, then he could actually kill Ben on his own. That is, if this whole surgery thing isn't a ruse itself. Blah, who knows. The others must be doing all this for more than just creating a convoluted way to get Jack to operate on Ben.
Oh, and I'll miss Eko. I liked him.
Greetings and salutations.