Originally Posted by magictoy
Yes, NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN are bastions of conservatism.
L. Brent Bozell III....is that you, with your "liberal media bias" bullshit ???
Bush Calls Kerry Remarks Insulting to U.S. Troops
Senator Says President, Not Military, Was Target of Botched Joke
By Jim VandeHei and Chris Cillizza
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, November 1, 2006; Page A08
......The highly coordinated White House effort came as Republicans sought to shift the focus away from an unpopular war and GOP scandals that are putting their congressional majorities at risk..........
......After reading Kerry's comments to a GOP audience in Georgia, Bush said Kerry's statement was "insulting and it is shameful. The members of the United States military are plenty smart and they are plenty brave, and the senator from Massachusetts owes them an apology." <h3>The White House tipped off the networks to when Bush would attack Kerry, so the comments could be carried live and make the evening news.......</h3>
magictoy, how is it that "Air America" was bankrupted because it broadcast a "liberal message", no one wanted to pay to listen to.... yet you persist in believing the Brent Bozell/ mrc.org newsbusters.com bullshit that the "media is liberal".
Doesn't it ever dawn on you that "the media" is ratings...eyeballs...driven, and not "liberal agenda" driven? ABC is owned by Disney, NBC by GE, CNN by Time Warner....why would any of those companies approve a "liberal bias"?
Couldn't it be possible that you've been "influenced" by Brent Bozell, to shun all media reports that he and "outlets" like foxnews, haven't "filtered" for you, first? How far "down stream", from news feed, like AP and other original reporting from professional major media, news gathering outlets, is the stuff that influences you...when you first encounter it?
Do you ever cite anything from whitehouse.gov or from defenselink.mil , or does everything come through a "ditto heaf" leaning "filter", before you expose yourself to, it?
<b>What do you make of this...aren't "the generals", soldiers in the field?</b>
President Bush Defends Rumsfeld and Cheney; Some Democrats Come Out Against Senator Kerry's Statement; North Korea Returns to the Table; What Would a Democratic Win on Election Day Mean?; John Boehner Interview
Aired November 1, 2006 - 16:00 ET
BOEHNER: Donald Rumsfeld is the best thing that's happened to the Pentagon in 25 years.
BLITZER: But, you know, General Zinni, who used to be the commander, Anthony Zinni of the Central Command, he says that Rumsfeld threw out 10 years of planning for Iraq, 10 years of strategy with 500,000 troops that would be needed, not to necessarily topple Saddam Hussein, but to win the peace quickly. He just threw that out because he wanted that lighter force and, as a result, the U.S. is paying the price right now.
<b>BOEHNER: Well, Wolf, you have to understand that the generals who have been in charge of the Pentagon have been very resistant to change.</b> It's the younger generals who understand this new force structure that we need to be -- to have the military of the 21st century. And so I think Rumsfeld is the right guy for the job, and I know the president supports him and I'm glad he does.
BLITZER: Let me read to you what a few of your fellow Republicans have said in recent days. "I don't like the guy. I simply don't think he has measured up on running the war on Iraq. Would I vote for a no confidence resolution on Secretary Rumsfeld? Yes." Chris Shays, Republican of Connecticut.
"If I had my way, he wouldn't be secretary of defense now. I would have accepted his resignation after Abu Ghraib. I have lost confidence in him." That's the Republican candidate for the Senate from Washington state, Mike McGavick.
And Congresswoman Jo Ann Davis, Republican of Virginia: "It's probably the only thing in my life I've ever agreed with Hillary Clinton about. He's probably a nice guy, but I don't think he's a great secretary of defense."
<b>BOEHNER: Wolf, I understand that, but let's not blame what's happening in Iraq on Rumsfeld.
BLITZER: But he's in charge of the military.
BOEHNER: But the fact is, the generals on the ground are in charge,</b> and he works closely with them and the president. We've seen this run up in violence as we get closer to the election, as we get closer to Ramadan, same thing we've seen over the last couple of years.....
Barry McCaffrey
BBC’s Newsnight, as reported by Reuters, March 24, 2003
“[W]e could take, bluntly, a couple to 3,000 casualties.”
Retired U.S. Army General Barry McCaffrey, commander of the 24th Infantry Division 12 years ago, said the U.S.-led force faced "a very dicey two to three day battle" as it pushes north toward the Iraqi capital.
McCaffrey said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had misjudged the nature of the conflict. Asked if Rumsfeld made a mistake by not sending more troops to start the offensive, McCaffrey replied: "Yes, sure. I think everybody told him that."
"I think he thought these were U.S. generals with their feet planted in World War II that didn't understand the new way of warfare," he added.
<b>So....wasn't Blitzer surprised that house majority leader John Boehner persisted in defending Rumsfeld at the expense of generals who gave advice, but were ignored, belittled, or sent into early retirement?</b>
Wouldn't Boehner's stupid comments be trumpeted by the "fairy tale" "liberal media", if it, indeed, existed?
How many members of US "liberal media", and members of al Qaeda "sleeper cells", located in the US, would fit on the head of a pin?