Originally Posted by KungFuGuy
The fact that this is getting so much press simply proves that the party in control is trying to divert public attention and awareness away from other more important issues.
Yes, NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN are bastions of conservatism.
Originally Posted by willravel
Thank you for proving you know nothing about military recruiting. Absolutely everywhere in this country that is low income is flooded with military recruiters promising to pay for college. Maybe you can find some statistics to back up your claim that members of all income brackets are represented equally. My highschool was crawling with military recruiters. Did they just talk to seniors? Nope. They spoke to all age groups, usually minorities (Mexicans, in my school's case). That's standard. Rich kids don't usually join up. I wonder why.
Pardon me, but I distinctly remember your saying that your high school was full of wealthy kids. They would be the ones who can afford college, and enter the service as officers if they so desire.
Ahh, here it is:
Originally Posted by willravel
Only a few of my friends at school had to take jobs in high school at all. I was a low income teenager living in a high income area. Most of my friends had brand new cars, whilc I worked my butt off selling cell phones in the mall just to afford an old Civic. Out of a graduating class of maybe 300, I was one a of a dozen or so that worked.
Sounds like the recruiters were crawling all over a high-income school. How could this be?
Originally Posted by willravel
Bush initiated it. He directed investications to find fault in Iraq. He insisted on a war, and information was withheld from the Senate. Yea, it's all Kerry's fault.
Documentation on what was withheld from the Senate?
The hatred of Bush that you evidence here, and elsewhere, appears irrational when you gloss over the fact that Democrats, including Kerry and Hillary Clinton, voted for the Iraq war. It appears more so when you try to convince us that information was withheld from those two.
Perhaps they didn't read what they were voting for. That would get them off the hook according to what filtherton said in another thread.