I just want to confirm that Kerry isn't up for election this cycle, is he? I just checked his website and he doesn't seem to be. Obviously a stupid remark, I sincerely doubt that he would have a pre-prepared statement / speech where he said such a thing. Therefore, I find the "he snarfed up a bad joke" explanation more plausible. This was part of an actual speech, wasn't it? I mean, he wasn't answering questions or something where he might go off-script and say something stupid.
/so want to list a bunch of Bush-isms or put up the transcript with the "Where's the WMD? Ha Ha" thing. Won't do it. Must resist. Too much like the "but Clinton," and I don't even like John Kerry to boot. Just hate the self-righteous indignation. Must fight temptation.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style