Originally Posted by john_713
What a ridiculous statement to make. You fall out with one person who by my record seems extremely competent and respected within the alliance and you see that as reason enough for an empire built over months comprising 5000 people to just vanish?
Did you get kicked out for ratting/mining while EDF territory was under attack or something?
As for your other comments about PS falling over the loss of 2 stations, get a clue. Most of eve expected them to fall in the first week of fighting. Apart from anything We have 2 if not 3 more regions which are perfectly able to mount a counter offensive. By your logic the loss of the 1 Xetic station should have resulted in the loss of half of fountain, but wait...they took it back, why should gq2 be any different?
John is that you, you raving psychopath?
John has threatened people IN GAME with REAL LIFE threats including a friend of mine in game.
Suck it down, ASCN is lead by idiots, and I refuse to contribute to some idiot waving his epeen glory. And FYI I wasn't kicked out of EDF, I left like just about every other vet does. Its a game and John does his best to suck the fun out of it, and then explain why you are wrong to not like him, and how he knows best after all he has played 3 years and why don't you like him, can't you see he knows best?
Their main FC quit mid war to join MC, in large part because he couldn't deal with John anymore. He chased off his entire mining divsion, and was desperate enough to OPEN RECRUIT DURRING A WAR, and worse use those moronic statistics that made him such a joke on the forums.
John is a laughing stock of eve, anyone who respects him has either never worked with him directly or is 17 and thinks this is normal adult behavior in game.
As for your war effort, until ASCN can win a fleet battle, ONE fleet battle, you can't win as you will never be able to pop a POS. Hell despite John's promise ASCN never could get rid of the GQ POS, and now BoB has sovrenty over GQ and H8 so those systems are lost pretty much perminently, unless again, ASCN can beat a BoB fleet.