Originally Posted by George W. Bush, in response to the Kerry comment
"The members of the United States military are plenty smart and they are plenty brave and the senator from Massachusetts owes them an apology,"
Kerry isn't responsible for the Iraqi War. George W. Bush is responsible for every soldier in Iraq. He is responsible for them being in danger. He is responsible for them being mangled, and losing limbs. He is responsible for them losing their lives. John Kerry makes a comment, that's true, mind you, and Buhs jumps on him? Oh, hell no.
A message to George W. Bush: how dare you even think of demanding someone else apologize to the troops, when you yourself deficate on them each and every day? You are responsible for their injuries and deaths. You, not the man you cheated out of an election. You are a deeply insensitive, foolish, and cocky asshole. You should be deeply ashamed of yourself, and I lok forward to the day that you stand trial for war crimes.