Originally Posted by NCB
Youre consumed by class envy. Why do you care what a CEO makes in a large corp? Fact is, they work harder than your typical 95er who dont let the door hit them in the ass the minute 5PM comes around
Obviously NCB you didn't read the whole post because I started by saying this:
Originally Posted by pan6467
Yes, a CEO can make an 8, 9, 10 digit salary, I don't care as long as the workers in his company are making a liveable wage and not working 40 hours paycheck to paycheck because the company pays them shit wages.
Still didn't answer the question and sounds to me like you suffer from class envy and prejudice.
Why is it so wrong to expect in this country that a person working 40 hours a week make liveable wages and not have to go into debt, not have to have their intelligence or desires questioned? But it is ok to pay a CEO more in one day than that worker makes in a year?
Why is that wrong NCB??????
As a 9-5'er I take great offense to what you just said and most of the people I know and work with take pride in their jobs.
You don't debate anything I have put forth, all you do is attack and make ludicrous statements.
So either debate or walk away..... doing nothing but making the above statement shows how weak your defense of this system we now have,is.