Thread: Minumum wage
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Old 10-31-2006, 10:22 PM   #103 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
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Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Originally Posted by stevo
What do you think a CEO does, Pan? Do you think CEO's do anything that add value to a company? Do you think CEO's are paid what they are only because "they can get away with it?" Is it ever justifiable that a CEO makes a seven-figure salary?
I like the way you refused to answer the question I posed, and instead defend the CEO.

I know what a CEO does, some do add to the company, some only add as much as their best advisors allow them to.

Yes, I do believe that most CEO's are paid what they are because they can get away with it. In the past when the ratios were closer no.... in today's economy not a doubt in my mind.

Yes, a CEO can make an 8, 9, 10 digit salary, I don't care as long as the workers in his company are making a liveable wage and not working 40 hours paycheck to paycheck because the company pays them shit wages.

Now answer the question: Why is this so wrong to expect from companies that pay their CEOs more in 1 day than they pay their workers in a year?

By the way, how much is too much for you? How much of the payroll percantage should the CEO be allowed to make?

Tell me what is wrong with this belief, if you can without a personal attack without having to try to treat me as if I have no idea what I am talking about... because as I have said in the past I have been there, I have been in upper management/ownership.

I just want to know why it is so wrong to expect that men and women who work 40 hours a week make liveable wages and not have to go into debt, not have to have their intelligence or desires questioned.
It is said by Limbaugh that in taxes the government is spending our money because they feel they can spend it better...... I can agree with what he says to a point.... BUT I also state the rich do the same thing by controlling and hoarding the wealth.

To me, if you gave a raise to the 1,000 employees in my example instead of to 1 person, you have 1,000 people who are able to spend more, keep shops open and let the community's economy grow.

By giving that 1 million to 1 person, and not increasing anyone else's wages (except for maybe a minimal amount that isn't even up to inflationary standards) you do not help the community in any way.

With those 1,000 you have the oppurtunity for 1,000 people investing in businesses, land, saving for their kids college, etc. A tax base that increases and community that grows.

By giving it to 1 person, only that 1 person invests, the workers still barely make it, their debt increases because inflation is more than their increases, the tax base stagnates and the community dies.

Sorry but without those producing the goods, storing the goods, selling the goods, the CEOs aren't worth shit.

Eventually, the workers will awaken to this and 1 of 2 things will happen, the CEO's will take their balls and go to another country and leave this one to go bankrupt or the CEOs will realize they need to balance the wealth out to a degree where, yes those CEOs still make the most but the workers are making enough to be content and live comfortably.

My money (if I were still a betting man) would be that the CEO's will be parasites, feasting on whatever they can get here and moving on the second they have taken all they ccan, having put the barest minimum into the system that supported them.

I just believe wealth should be spread out more and in the process communities grow. Today's business environment does not afford growth of any nature except the the wallets of the very rich.

Originally Posted by NCB
I dont need the govt to give me a raise. Anybody who does need them to doesnt even remotely deserve it.
Obviously when the "average" CEO is making more in 1 day than the "average" worker and the corporations and companies see nothing wrong in this..... Government needs to step in because the corporations and those running them obviously care nothing about the people, the market nor policing themselves to share the wealth.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"

Last edited by pan6467; 10-31-2006 at 11:03 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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