Scott Brison poses nude in a calendar for a charity.
I just had to post this.
Some of the thoughts that come to mind are:
- Should a politician do this? I have not seen it, but if it is tasteful and the fact that it is for a charity, I am not against it in fact it will probably be very good publicity for the charity. Where does one draw the line? How far should a representative of the people go for a charity?
- What about skinny dipping? The article says that Bob Rea went skinny dipping with Rick Mercer last month. Is that OK?
- How long ago was this planned? Was this just part of an image thing for Brison when he was attempting to win the Liberal leadership? Does it matter? What about Rae, he is still in it?
- What does this say tell us about the Liberals? Is exposing oneself the only way to get attention? Is it a good way to get attention?
- What about us Canadians? This would be a huge scandal in the U.S. we will probably just laugh this off. And maybe we should.
I think that it says something good about Canadian society that nudity is not necessarily scandal. I think it says something that we can just and pass it off as something humorous and be OK with it.
I think it is also good that a Politician can do something like this and not get crucified (maybe it is still coming though).
My only problem is if there is any improper motivation behind these types of things.
If it is for image purposes - and I am not saying that it is - then i would wonder why a politician feels they need to get naked to get publicity (which they will surely get). if it is for image purposes, isn't there something better that can be done instead of getting naked?