Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Yet, it is true. You're not being treated as unequals. If you get right down to it, you're not any more "discriminated" against than your average teenager is.
Teenagers are allowed to get married.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
I laugh when people try to compare homosexuals not being allowed to marry to such things as the abolishment of slavery, women's suffrage or even the civil right's movement. Unlike slaves, you're not being subjugated and forced to live your life as inferiors nor are you considered the property of someone else; Unlike women before 1920's, you're not going to be jailed if you choose to vote (Or, in your case, have sex with a member of the same sex) ; And unlike minorities before the civil right's movement, you're not forced into government sanctioned isolation nor are you subject to public humiliation.
I laugh when people try to compare homosexuals to polygamists and incestors(?). Unlike polygomists, you're not doing anyting illegal, and unlike those who practice incest, homosexual pairings won't result in severly disabled children (or me throwing up all over). Once upon a time, homosexuals were forced into isolation, jailed, hanged, etc. It's a slow process that started with bigotry and that will end with real equal rights, just like it did with women and minorities.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
The fact is that you're trying to force others to accept your definition of marriage; The exact same thing you accuse those people who are anti-gay of doing. That's the fundamental difference between any movement of the past and the homosexual movement-- The desire to make people accept the way you choose to live your life.
...that way they chose to live their life doesn't effect you. We're not forcing anyone to accept anything. You're trying to pretend like marriage means something, and you're bravely defending marriage from the gays (how brave of you). In reality, marriage doesn't mean jack shit. When the divorce rate is well over 50%, what are you defending? Just becuase you forced gay out of marriage first doesn't mean that you're right.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
See? You feel it's okay to discriminate against people based on age. Therefore, it perplexes me as to how you can think it unfair to discriminate against people based on sexual orientation. Just as you think there's a good reason to discriminate based on age I think there's a good reason to discriminate based on sexual orientation. Seems fair, huh?
It's not okay to discriminate. If I discriminate, does that make it okay for you to discriminate? Shit no.
Also, on a side note, there should be no voting age or drinking age. They're useless, and are ageist.