Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
You do have equal rights.
Repeating this doesn't make it true.
"Why can't I drink legally but someone over the age of 21 can?"
"Why can't I vote? It's discriminatory?"
"Why can't I <Insert action here> while <Insert group name> can?"
There are sound reasons behind those laws, and each had its own debate at the time the laws came into effect and when the ages were changed. So how about we debate gay marriage here instead.
An argument shouldn't rely on the "They can so why can't I?" premise for strength, as it usually crumbles under scrutiny.
So do that.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert
Last edited by Gilda; 10-30-2006 at 05:33 PM..