Originally Posted by host
In Missouri, there is a running political battle between religious zealots who are trying to transform that state into a "Jesus Land". Michael J. Fox is interested in all Americans enjoying the same potential for medical research breakthroughs to bring relief from symptoms of illness, and to reverse deterioration and death that too often is the result of disease that medicine has inadequate or no treatment for.
<h3>That is his "agenda"....what is yours? Why are you posting a repetition of earlier attacks on Michael J. Fox, here, and by Rush Limbaugh?</h3>
<b>Why not add to this discussion, instead of attacking Michael J. Fox? Your post and others of similar vein are unseemly. You're attacking a very ill man with an incurable disease who is using his celebrity to attempt to counter the political influence and activities of religious zealots who have abridged the access to medical research, medical appliances, medicine, hygenic education, and to safe, approved, medical procedures that their relgious beliefs influence them to object to and motivate them to attempt other people from receiving.....IMO, Michael J. Fox is being much too polite in his response to the efforts and the propagandizing of these misguided, ignorant, selfish, and religiously intolerant people. In Missouri, they've already succeeded in keeping birth control options from the working poor.....options routinely offered in many other states to low income workers who are poor, but do not qualify for medicaid..... aid that was offered in Missouri clinics before these religiously energized folks were elected to the state legislature....</b>
Holy shit. Enough hate in this post or what?
How dare you sit there and accuse me and others of "attacking" MJF when all we are doing is pointing out his inconsistency AND the inconsistency of Amendment 2, which is about human cloning.
Sick though he may be, he entered the political arena uninformed about the candidates' positions. Pointing that out is not attacking him. Somehow I doubt you would use kid gloves with Limbaugh if the situation were reversed and he was doing a commercial about prescription pain meds or some such BS.
You and others are clearly the ones with an ax to grind when it comes to people who are opposed to killing babies for stem cells. Your post appears to be nice and tidy, but those issues are NOT very tidy at all. There are many facets to things like stem cell research and abortion.
You continue to berate certain people here who have beliefs different from yours. You had better expect a vigorous response when you distort the issues and spew untruths.