I think that this is one of those examples of the minority speaking for the Majority. To steal from Carolos Mencia. Just because the NAACP says that is how black people feel about a given issue does not mean every black person fells like that.
I do not think that Atehist are a scourge on the earth. We live in a country where you can believe whatever you want without fear or persecution. Does it always happen that way. I doubt it, but it is suppoed to be that way. You really can't feel that every God Followeror God believer is out to get you or destoy you. All God Followers are hipocrites. They know it and will openly admit it or at least should. Its part of the religion. Anyway Most of the time christians can prove God Exists about as much as anybody can prove he doesn't. Consider it a stalemate.
"Two men: one thinks he can. One thinks he cannot. They are Both Right."