Originally Posted by Ustwo
Either one accepts the genetic component to homosexuality and if you have an understanding of genetics you can see where this would be a defect (there is an argument I can think of that would make it a possible benefit but I'll see if someone else comes up with that one, its weak but worth mentioning) or homosexuality is somehow psychological and therefore can be cured or prevented in children. That was the thought up until the late 70's and guess how well that worked?
I think this is where you're going off the rails. Leaving aside the vast numbers of groups around the world - both currently and historically - who have practised on a wide scale and condoned same sex behaviour and orientation (such as the Sambia or ancient Greeks), the "birth defect" argument assumes that homosexuality is caused by genetics. We have no idea that this is the case. Upbringing may be the predominant role, exposure to various hormones at certain stages of development might do it, or there may be a "gay" gene. You're focusing on only one potential cause, without considering the other strong possibilites, which is hardly a very scientific or dispassionate way of looking at things as you claim to do.