Cynthetiq's signature sums up the entire question quite nicely. "I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Independent, either you're an asshole or you're not."
It's easy to tell if someone is a good person or not. It can be answered on a basic level with one simple question: are you an asshole? Asshole as in someone who causes negative emotion and/or negative feedback for the sake of entertainment or personal gain. I have friends who make fun of others publicly because they think it's funny. They're not good people. I know people I work with that think harming animals is cool and badass. They're not good people. I know people who go completely apeshit when any amount or type of rendered service in any situation that involves money is less than 150% perfect...those people are not good people.
Being a good person is as simple as thinking to yourself, "Is what I'm about to say or do going to affect anyone around me or any stakeholders in the matter negatively?" If so, then don't do it. I'm an INTJ personality type with an extremely heavy judging percentage, so I do believe in people getting punished for hurtful actions towards others. In general, however, strangers or friends or people you even find annoying deserve 100% respect in all situations regardless of all other variables (sans the subject having led me to believe that they do not deserve respect). If you do not believe this, you are not a good person. You're either an asshole or you're not.
This isn't an attempt to derail the thread, so I will relate it to myself: I'm a good person. I try to help others to my best ability. I'm an extremely good service employee that understands all situations going on from the customer's perspective. I look at all arguments and controversies with an open-mind, sometimes leading to friends or relatives seeing me in a completely different manner than they're used to. I don't believe in letting stress get to you and taking out your frustrations on other people and I don't believe in yelling and/or being harsh on others. I let people who drive like shit cut me off without getting annoyed. I let people who most believe to be ignorant or uncouth be ignorant or uncouth because in many cases it's not their mindset that causes it, but their upbringing. I could go on and on but I'll stop here.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
Last edited by Lasereth; 10-29-2006 at 05:45 PM..