Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
So you mean that less than 10% of the total population has red hair and the other 90%+ has, say, blonde hair? As we all know, this isn't true. The other 90%+ of people who don't have red hair have either black, brown or blonde hair (I'm sure there's a color I'm missing). Let's try this with human sexuality. You can either be heterosexual, homosexual or asexual.
Heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, beastial, asexual.
Brown, sandy, blonde, red, black.
That's 5 and 5. Look how well that works.
Bottom line, don't be a bigot. Homosexuality obviously isn't a defect, as it is obviously functional at reducing overpopulation. Suggesting homosexuality is a birth defect is like saying that being pro choice is a birth defect. The topic has, is, and always will be political, based on religous impositions on the political arena. To pretend that it's biological is to ignore biology. To aknowledge it's essentially a religous argument is to admit that you're imposing your version of Jesus on another person who isn't hurting you, so thus ends the argument.