Originally Posted by pocon1
Hey, sorry if it hit too close to home. A lot of people supported and voted for Bush because he played the tough on terrorism card. He also does not care if others do not agree with him. He definitely is tough.
Steadfastly clinging to a position in the face of overwhelming evidence contradicting it doesn't make someone "tough"...best case scenario there is "stubborn". Please take the "Bush" comments to the politics forum, where they belong.
As for presidents who may qualify to be mentioned in this thread, my vote goes to George Washington, who led a ragtag army against what was then the greatest military force in the world, and achieved victory against all odds. I don't know if it qualifies as "tough" in the sense in which this thread raises it, but Washington also walked away from the "emperor" status that he could easily have claimed, and was instrumental in drafting of the Constitution, and the creation of the rule of law.