Originally Posted by Charlatan
Clearly the talking points have shifted... now it seems the issue is that homosexuality is going to be taught in school and that it will be rendered, "normal".
To both issues I say, "so?'
It is normal and I could care less if it is discussed in a public school. It's a fact of life that homosexuals exist. Why not discuss and normalize it? Perhaps we can undo some of the damage done by those who feel the opposite is true (and who are clearly wrong).
Sure, but then lets be honest about it.
Teach it for what it is, a birth defect. Its normal the same way dwarfism or trisomy 21 is 'normal'. Its a mistake of genetics or pre-natal developement, I think both, but reguardless its not a "lifestyle" its people who through no fault of their own were born with part of them not working properly.