Thanks aberkok. I don't know if I'm batting 500 yet. Answering this stuff remotely is hit or miss. I think many people here - lurkers or otherwise - can and do answer things but some answers just fit or sound better for a given question. But hey, if I get to be board pedant for the day...
BTW, swapping DIMMs is the easy version of setting timing to the less capable of the two, like Dilbert and I mentioned in other posts. If BG checks the BIOS it's likely set to what it was with the old DIMM alone. Can't be sure without reading the SPD chip data but my guess is that something in the new one's made the board try timing that wasn't compatible.
Another small advantage to swapping is that you won't run into the problem again should you reset the BIOS.
Timing can be one of the more vexing box assembly gotchas. Those PC/DDRxxxx names are a huge generalization about the capabilities of a given stick of memory. BIOS coders often take shortcuts, support calls cost vendors lots of money, hence the popularity of matched pairs.