Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
Eliminate the Corporation, and you elminate the system which allows abuses such as Enron and the American Airlines bankruptcies to occur.
How so?
Nobody in the US was affected by Apartheid, but Fujufilm nearly went tits-up thanks to a worldwide boycott of their company, triggered by their ties to the racist South African regime. People don't have to be directly affected to feel motivated, or to participate in a boycott. Moral authority carries a lot of weight. Look at the changes in the tuna-fishing industry brought about by the boycotts which resulted from overfishing and dolphin-kills for another good example.
Yeah, maybe, but moral authority isn't all that relevant in cultures where profit is the ultimate morality.
Only because Governments have reduced their power to nil through the granting of municipal monopolies. Monopolies are bad, right? If people were able to choose their electricity provider or their water company, as they do with ISPs and cable TV, this situation would not exist.
I don't know about that. ISPs and cable providers are notoriously unreliable and well known for giving folks the shaft.
Yes, monopolies are bad, but in "free" markets industry tends towards monopoly.