Yes Sage, please do!! I went to talk with the other piercer today because the bars were getting a little tight and told her I wad getting some rings from e bay and she was glad to hear it. She offered to GIVE me some of her single captive ball rings if I was going totally crazy and I said I thought I could handle it for another week... how is that for a business woman? She didnt even do the work and she is offering to give her stuff away!!! I told her about this e bay purchase because I was going to give her the excess... I got 30 pairs of rings 3 sizes 10 of each size for 10 bucks and I told her that I was going to give her the extras for her trouble and kindness so she could use them on eyebrows and stuff. I thought it would be fair. Anyway I would love to read that stuff you have Sage! Anything to further my education would be greatly appreciated!